Tim Fuhrmann: DC 1 (Chalmers). Enrolled for PhD at Chalmers |
Project Title: Multilayer integration of microcombs |
Objectives: Investigating a scalable platform for chip-scale self-referencing of microcombs |
Expected Results: (intermediate) self-referencing of power-efficient octave-spanning microcombs; (long-term) scalable platform for multi-layer integration of silicon nitride microcombs with thin-film lithium niobate. |

Matei Crudu: DC 2 (MBI). Enrolled for PhD at MBI/FVB |
Project Title: Microcomb three-dimensional imaging |
Objectives: Explore new approaches to 3-dimensional imaging and hyperspectral imaging using microcombs |
Expected Results: (intermediate) explore the potential of microcombs for 3D imaging of microscopic objects; (long-term) precision techniques of dimensional metrology to measure the shape of a large 3D object to within the size of an atom. |

Ujjal Chettri: DC 3 (ECL). Enrolled for PhD at ECL |
Project Title: Mid-Infrared microcombs in CMOS-based platforms |
Objectives: Demonstrate the generation of broadband microcombs at mid-IR wavelengths (3-6µm) and its application to spectroscopy |
Expected Results: (intermediate) Supercontinuum generation (potentially reaching the full molecular fingerprint up to 10 µm) in a Ge-based integrated platform for on-chip broadband parallel detection of multiple molecules; Realization of high-Q cavity in the 3 to 5 µm and 8 to 10 µm range in a CMOS-based platform; First demonstration of a mid-IR integrated frequency comb in the 3 to 5 µm and 8 to 10 µm range. (long-term) Demonstration of an integrated mid-IR dual-comb spectrometer. |

Arturo Fernández Gamez: DC 4 (UGent). Enrolled for PhD at UGent |
Project Title: Nd:YAG-on-silicon-nitride for low-noise comb generation |
Objectives: Create high-power on-chip solid-state laser-driven combs at 1 µm wavelength |
Expected Results: (intermediate)First wafer-scale solid-state pump lasers for ultra-low-noise comb generation on a silicon-nitride PIC; (long term) development of on-chip active Kerr-soliton generation outside the telecom wavelength range for ultra-fast LIDAR and metrology. |

Neethu Edathil Valappil: DC 5 (UGent). Enrolled for PhD at UGent |
Project Title: Microcomb photonics packaging |
Objectives: Develop photonics packaging building blocks for chip-scale microcombs |
Expected Results: (intermediate results) photonics packaging building blocks for microcombs, including high-power laser source integration, optical fiber attachment with low back-reflections, and a thermal management solution. |

Haoyang Tan: DC 6 (DTU). Enrolled for PhD at DTU |
Project Title: Combining χ(2) and χ(3) effects in silicon carbide microcombs |
Objectives: Investigating the χ(2) and χ(3) effects in silicon carbide to enable microcomb operation in both near-infrared and visible wavelength ranges |
Expected Results: (intermediate) second harmonic generation and χ(2) comb generation in the visible wavelength range; (long-term) octave-spanning comb generation and second harmonic generation in a single microresonator; integrating on-chip pump source with SiC comb generators. |

Arjun Kurur: DC 7 (DTU). Enrolled for PhD at DTU |
Project Title: Optical communication applications of frequency combs |
Objectives:Investigating realistic communication system scenarios for combs; including short-reach intra- and inter-data center links. |
Expected Results: (intermediate) identification of use-case scenarios where comb sources are beneficial; (long-term) develop sub-system designs of comb-based transmitters optimized for various communication system types. |

Alejandra Alarcón: DC 8 (UPB). Enrolled for PhD at UPB |
Project Title: Time-frequency quantum metrology |
Objectives: Fabricate and demonstrate microcomb-based quantum metrology. |
Expected Results: (intermediate) fabrication and characterization of microresonators on LNOI and first proof of concept experiment for super-resolved quantum metrology; (long-term) electro-optic tuning of devices and transfer to other wavelengths e.g., the MIR. |

Serdar Sengül: DC 9 (Menlo). Enrolled for PhD at LMU |
Project Title: Integrated frequency combs for laser stabilization |
Objectives: Development of a PIC-based module for the provision of stabilized laser light for quantum applications. |
Expected Results: (intermediate) realization of the individual submodules: frequency comb and spectral broadening; (long-term) Integration of the submodules and the CW laser and packaging; characterization of the laser system |

Konstantinos Tsomokos: DC 10 (Mellanox). Enrolled for PhD at UPV |
Project Title: Microcombs in datacenters |
Objectives: Investigating the integration of microcombs in DWDM high-speed links for datacenter applications |
Expected Results: (intermediate) modeling and choosing a microcomb architecture that will answer DWDM link architecture requirements, focusing on review of comb architectures, power/performance behavioural modelling for system level analysis, power reduction features enabled by comb usage at the system level, and reliability and failure mechanisms. (long-term) design and testing according to the spec provided in the first part of the research. Test automation measurement and characterization of the microcomb at Mellanox facilities. Aging for reliability testing and full link performance evaluation. |

Shivaprasad Hulyal: DC 11 (EPFL). Enrolled for PhD at EPFL |
Project Title: Full electronic-photonic integrated LiDAR engine using microcombs |
Objectives: Demonstration of a hybrid electronic-photonic integrated FMCW LiDAR engine based on microcombs |
Expected Results: (intermediate) demonstration of massively parallel FMCW LiDAR using laser self-injection locked soliton microcomb in a fully electronic-photonic packaging; (long-term) compact FMCW LiDAR engine including the laser source, beam steering and receiver on a chip |

Mikael Reichler: DC 12 (EPFL). Enrolled for PhD at EPFL |
Project Title: A high-power microcomb using erbium-based on-chip amplifiers for coherent optical communications |
Objectives: Investigating a chip-scale platform for generating100-mW-level power of microcombs suited for multi-wavelength optical communications |
Expected Results: (intermediate) demonstration of a compact Erbium-doped photonic integrated circuit-based device via joint efforts of erbium ion implantation to Si3N4 photonic circuits and hybrid photonic integration with III-V pump laser diodes; (long-term) demonstration of soliton microcomb generation and power amplification with > 100 mW of off-chip output power on a single photonic chip, as well as its application as a multi-wavelength light source for coherent optical communications. |